dreamTAP Service Image

The dreamTAP™ is the newest addition to the TAP® family of appliances for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The Thornton Adjustable Positioner (TAP) is based on the same principle as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and is designed to keep the airway open to allow air to pass. A constricted or collapsed airway causes snoring and OSA.

Developed with advanced dental technology, the dreamTAP reduces sleep apnea-associated health risks without the need for surgery, medications or other more cumbersome therapy. The dreamTAP holds the lower jaw in a forward position, maintaining a clear airway to reduce snoring and improve breathing. Plus, the design of the dreamTAP results in more tongue space for the patient. Three hook sizes offer increased range of adjustment, and the use of Cr-Co alloy prevents corrosion and discoloration of the dreamTAP device. An adjustment key enables the patient to modify the lower jaw’s protrusion until a comfortable, effective position is achieved.

Each TAP device consists of an upper and lower tray that fit over the teeth. For lower-priced treatment options, the TAP 3 TL and the original TAP are also available. On the TAP 3 TL, a hook mechanism attached to the upper tray fits into a socket attached to the lower tray and positions the lower jaw forward.

TAP is a registered trademark of Airway Management Inc. dreamTAP is a trademark of Airway Management Inc.


  • Patient-specific appliance for snoring or obstructive sleep apnea
  • Advances the mandible 0.25 mm with each turn of the key