Over the 10-plus years CAD/CAM manager Dennis Foronda has been with Riverside Dental Ceramics, he has been at the forefront of bringing computer-aided design and manufacturing to the dental lab. His degree in mechanical engineering, interest in dental technology and previous experience in CAD-based software combined to make his contributions invaluable at a time when RDC was discovering just how vital CAD/CAM could be in decreasing errors while increasing the speed of producing restorations.
What was your early career like with the company?
When I first started, we did not have much of a CAD/CAM base platform. We had just started using CAD software for designing, and we only had one mill. Dental technology came naturally to me, and I excelled in learning all aspects of it. I was very fortunate to be mentored by Mark Anderson and others who have decades of experience in the industry. The department grew as we added more computers and mills, and I was offered the opportunity to become a supervisor for the CAD/CAM department in 2011.
How has RDC supported you in your career?
I had to learn a number of things to move into management, such as the business aspects of the trade, understanding a multitude of company metrics and how they’re met, financing, and — most of all — dental CAD/CAM. The company was able to provide me with many courses and classes on management and the latest dental technology, which was a huge help. I am now the manager for CAD/CAM restorative solutions and our milling center, with over 30 employees in the department. Working and building my career here at RDC has been the best opportunity and decision I have made.
Tell us about a program or initiative you were involved with at RDC that you’re most proud of.
One project I was involved with was the launch of BruxZir® Zirconia restorations here at Riverside. When we were first getting started with the material, there were constant changes in color formulations, oven temperatures and design techniques. The company provided everything we needed and was always open to ideas for streamlining our fabrication techniques, and today BruxZir restorations are the most popular service we offer at our lab.
We’ve had a huge emphasis on CAD/CAM technology from the time that I started. Today, we’re the second-largest digital lab in California, and we really excel with milling high-precision restorations and processing intraoral scans. I feel fortunate to have been so involved with these technologies from the beginning of my dental lab career, considering how important they’ve become to dentistry.
What do you enjoy most about working at RDC?
Everything! But if I had to narrow it down to one specific area, it would be the technicians. They are the reason we are here today, and I take great pride in educating every technician to help them reach the next level in their careers. Getting to understand the diverse cultures and people we have here is amazing.
What do you do for fun?
I do a lot of motor sports, such as dirt biking, boating and off-roading. I enjoy working on vehicles — you can usually find me in the garage with my toolbox on the weekends. I used to be a master automotive technician, but I could not have a hobby as a career. Knowing I’m able to repair and bring something back to working condition gives me a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Where do you get the vehicles? And what happens to them after you make the repairs?
In my free time, I go to auctions and buy various vehicles. I will repair them and either keep them for my own enjoyment or resell them, so it’s also become a small business outside of my dental career. A big plus is that my 7-year-old and 11-year-old kids are able to be involved and learn.